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Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday: 9.00 - 19.00 (continued);
Friday and Saturday: from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm (open all day);
Sunday and Monday closed.
Monday: 4.00pm - 8.00pm;
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday: 9.00 - 19.00 (continued);
Friday: from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm (open all day);
Saturday: from 9.00 to 13.00;
Sunday: closed.
Requests beyond opening times to the public, on non-working days and / or outside of the show they may be agreed with the management.
NB: il salone riceve SOLO su appuntamento
Closed for holidays: da Venerdì 15 a Lunedì 25 Agosto 2025, riprenderemo l’attività Martedì 26 Agosto.
For esigenze durante il periodo di chiusura potete contattare l’amministrazione al 334.501.58.33, tale servizio prevederà un supplemento rispetto al listino.
For requests for franchise quotes or official commercial communications
Per appuntamenti in salone e comunicazioni relative alla sede di Bari.
For commercial communication, franchising and training courses
Since the appointment service is active, it is strongly recommended to book by calling on 080.5563313 or 334.5015833 in order to guarantee the service. Requests after the opening time to the public, on non-working days and / or outside the show, may be agreed with the management.
Siamo in Via Vito Nicola Di Tullio n36 – Bari (Zona Policlinico)
Mimì is often involved in fashion events, seminars and advertising campaigns so it is strongly recommended to contact us in the salon and request an appointment so that we can guarantee the service.
The hours of the solon can change according to the Winter or Summer session (for more info visit the timetables section or contact us on site)
During the year, extraordinary openings and / or closures are also possible, which is why we always invite you to make an appointment before introducing yourself to the show, to be sure of being able to guarantee the service in any case, our communication will provide timely paper-based notifications ( inside the office), minutes (through our staff) or via the web (always available 24 hours a day).
Having different sectors in which we are engaged (salon, schools, fashion seminars, etc.) it is necessary to turn around the hours of presence of stylistic and technical managers, in any case the presence of a director in the salon is always required in order to guarantee the supervision of the work.
For technical works (eg color, meches, ironing, etc.) the acceptance time is until 6.00 pm, for all other services it is until 7.00 pm according to the availability of the operators. We remind you that it is always advised to contact us at home and book so as to guarantee the service, for requests outside the opening hours we reserve the right to run the salon with a possible surcharge.
Sunday is our weekly closing day, however in the Summer session the salon respects an Monday afternoon opening. In any case, for requests other than opening hours, we recommend our "home delivery" service so as to always guarantee the quality of the "Mimì Colonna" services whenever you need, simply contact us by phone and book the service with a operator, these services could have a higher cost than the price list.
At different times of the year there are extraordinary openings, which will be communicated promptly in the salon, on the site and on our social networks
The salon respects a continuous opening session, depending on the time of year (winter / summer) such opening may undergo changes, for more information we invite you to contact us at our headquarters or visit the "Schedules" session. In all other cases or for special needs, it is possible to request our service "at home" by reserving an operator by simply calling us (this service could involve an additional cost).
It is always preferable to go to the salon for a more detailed estimate, however the services section can be consulted for information on our price list
Accettiamo tutti i principali circuiti internazionali di pagamento
Per lavori tecnici combinati è applicata una scontistica riservata rispetto al prezzo di listino (non commutabile con altre promozioni in corso)
Siamo in Via Vito Nicola Di Tullio n36 – Bari (Zona Policlinico)
Discover the benefits of being a Mimi Colonna affiliate