London Fashion Week - F / W fashion tips 2015


Let's find out the make-up and thehairstyle of the next collection by Ines Petrelli (Facebook - Instagram - Blog).

The beauty makeup seen on the catwalks of the London Fashion Week confirms the statement of a make-up almost absent, defined "nude look" (as the Make-Up Bride 2015). Il viso è acqua e sapone, con una base luminosa che da la sensazione di leggerezza e freschezza, che assieme ad un mascara soft punta ad un effetto occhi più grandi.

Notiamo infatti ombretti molto chiari e l’uso dei colori pastello come il blush rosa confetto. Ampia scelta fra i diversi tipi di “pink color” da poter scegliere, ad esempio il color pesco perfetto da utilizzare come ombretto. Personalmente mi ha colpito molto Burberry which proposes a "clean" face without (but not entirely) make-up, which highlights only the details like the fiery red lipstick for lips to kiss.

As for thehairstyle, il trend più “cool” sembra essere una semplice riga in mezzo o laterale per uno stile sobrio ed elegante che trasmette ordine. La ritroviamo principalmente sulle modelle di “Issa” in maniera netta e decisa.

Anche il cut certainly has a prominent place in this fall winter 2015/2016. Mostly the designers have opted for two styles: a very short one (combined with shaving on the nape and drawn off on the sides for a radiant and delicate look at the same time) and the other defined XXL (with exaggeratedly long and straight hair).

London Fashion Week Hairstyle

The different types of cuts vary depending on the designer and how they want to strike the attention of the public. The models of Max Mara ad esempio hanno un lato punk elegante, con il ciuffo scalato e una frangia molto corta.

Vi chiederete da “Fashion Addicted"Which port am I cutting right now? Personally I did not want to dare with the very short, but for years wearing hair over shoulder height I opted (behind also the advice of Mimì Colonna and its staff) for a short and straight cut, thanks to them my look is the envy of many ...

To the next girls from your Ines (Facebook - Instagram - Blog)

  Ines Petrelli

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