Winning look for a job interview - Does the dress make the monk?


Have you ever wondered what i am? winning requirements to take a job interview? Very often our CV or our readiness in the answers may be in line with those of the other candidates, in which case we need one extra gear to impress our examiners and have more chances to pass the selection.

The our look can say so much about our personality especially in relation to the job position for which we want to be candidates, after all you would never hire someone with an image slovenly or worse yet "drives out customers"? THE'appearance certainly not everything, first of all it must always be examined qualification and the CV, but when two or more candidates are equivalent, on whom the choice falls?


It is wise inquire about in advance the company for which we are applying and if the working reality interests us, to avoid mistakes, to interview a formal look that at the same time gives us an image clean and appreciable.

First we must avoid a look too risqué. Necklines or too deep slits are only necessary if we want to be candidates for dancers of “lap dance". It's important to demonstrate di essere donne con molto da dire senza ricorrere a trucchetti subdoli, che potrebbero avere l’effetto contrario, cioè essere valutate come frivole.

THE tailored pants they are an example of timeless elegance, if they are combined with one jacket that falls softly on the shoulders and on the hips then the effect "Wow"Will be insured, even if you were to wear one"broken“.


To give a right impression you also need a MakeUp sober in neutral colors that give the impression that you are reliable (link). Put on makeup like a clown or exceed in a style grunge non è mai una soluzione vincente.

Usate dunque un foundation and light blushes and give a touch of blush to lightly color the face. Obviously avoid loading too much eye contour, therefore banish the smokey eye and use only a little black mascara to bulge the eyelashes and then the look. Do not use lipsticks that are too red, but bare: lips are important, but they must never be vulgar.


As for i hair, non basta che siano appena lavati, ma devono avere una piega curata o un’acconciatura.

Per evitare di mettere in atto la tendenza di giocherellare o arricciare i capelli con le dita (gesti come questi possono essere interpretati o come segnali di disagio o addirittura come tentativi più o meno consci di seduzione) vi suggeriamo di raccoglierli con uno chignon or with one Braid, in doing so in 10 minutes you will still have a look nice and elegant even if you leave some free strands on the forehead (link).



Now that acquaintance i tricks for a look will you put them into practice?

See you at the next blog article!


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